Saturday, 27 May 2017

Three Peaks Fell Race

I initially labelled this as shite when I uploaded it on strava. A few weeks has passed and perhaps I was a bit harsh. A more true assessment is I'm shite -  haha.

I trained all year for this and was hoping to get a PB, under 3-38 would have done it. Considering I got 3-39 last year I felt it was a realistic goal, especially with the hills I had done over the winter months.

A few weeks earlier I had ran the Ullswater Way (21 miles / 2700ft) in 3 hours and felt great. My last mile was a 5-45. So what went wrong...

A week before I got a cold. No big deal. A few lemsips will do the trick. A easy taper would do me no harm.

Wrong. Felt crap from the off. Took it easy on first climb and struggled on to finish in 100th place in 3hr 44mins.

Always next year :-)


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